


Mass events, administrative mass events, primitive religious mass events, peculiarities of organizing and conducting mass events in primitive society, legal support for conducting mass events in primitive society


The article examines general provisions regarding mass events and their primary forms. The essence of mass events in primitive society is revealed, namely the types and forms of such events and their further division into various mass events. Different types of primary mass events in primitive society are analyzed in accordance with the logical order, their essence is revealed. Certain similarities between mass events and modern ones are studied. The purpose of the work is to establish a certain correlation between the types of mass events that were first held in primitive society and the mass events that are held today. Methodology. In the proposed article, special attention is paid to the analysis of the types of mass events in primitive society and the comparison of their individual aspects with modern mass events. Scientific novelty. Mass events are a fairly common phenomenon in human society. The role of mass events and their legal consequences are to some extent a part of society. The analysis of mass events in primitive society is formulated for the first time. Conclusions. The features of mass events in primitive society were analyzed and their classification was proposed based on the research of scientists. A comparison is made regarding the holding of mass events in primitive society and in the modern world.


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How to Cite

СВИСТОВИЧ, Р. (2024). SEPARATE HISTORICAL-LEGAL ASPECTS OF DEFINING THE CONCEPT OF MASS EVENTS IN PRIMITIVE SOCIETY. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (3(63), 42-45.