creativity, creative personality, creative self-expression, future musical and pedagogical workers, pop musicAbstract
The article is devoted to an actual problem that has been considered in psychological-pedagogical and artistic scientific investigations. The formation for creative self-expression in future music and pedagogical workers by means of pop music is mostly violated in connection with the search for ways and means of optimization, increasing the efficiency of future specialists in creative activity. It was found that the problem of the development of a creative personality is of great interest to researchers. Its solution is essential due to the fact that the main condition for the progressive development of society is a person capable of creation. In the modern world, it is necessary from the beginning, from the first years of a person's life, to lay the foundations for understanding the world as dynamically changing, in which the individual is in a state of constant creation of this world and himself. It is noted that among scientists there is no single conceptual approach to the problem of creative self-expression of future musicpedagogical workers, that is, the definition of the universal factor that ensures the development of their creative, intellectual, special abilities. In particular, representatives of the so-called activity approach proceed from the position of the leading role of creative activity in the creative self-expression of future musical and pedagogical workers; the development of creativity depends on the nature and structure of the activity. Other scientists, while not denying the role of activity in personality development, proceed from the position of a leading role in the development of creative abilities, the presence of special abilities. The third point of view of scientists is based on the position of the subject-personal approach, according to which creativity is connected with the activity of the individual, which is aimed at his self-expression, self-actualization. It has been updated that the creative self-expression of future music-pedagogical workers by means of pop music cannot be imagined outside the history of the people or nation to which it belongs, since a person enters society as a representative of a certain nation through the system of education, upbringing, familiarity with musical art, etc. Therefore, we believe that pop singing is an effective means of forming the readiness for creative self-expression of future music-pedagogical workers, since the individual as a subject of creativity is a carrier of proper human, that is, social properties.
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