vocal and choral training, music teacher, conductor and choir component, vocal performance component, creativity, choral artAbstract
The article reveals the problem of vocal and choral training of the future music teacher and its significance in the context of the modernization of higher education. It is noted that choral art is an important component of Ukrainian national culture and contributes to the general and musical development, ideological and aesthetic education of students, and the formation of spiritual values іn them. The purpose of the article is the theoretical substantiation of individual structural components of the vocal and choral training of the future music teacher in the context of the modernization of higher education. The research methodology is associated with the application of general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, systematization and theoretical generalization of the complex of conducting, choirmaster and vocal abilities and skills that the student must master and which he will need in further vocal and choral activities. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the scientific and methodological substantiation and determination of the main structural components of vocal and choral training of students of higher pedagogical institutions of the artistic direction, taking into account the opinions, ideas and views of leading domestic scientists-pedagogues in order to determine their productivity and prospects for theoretical understanding of the specified problem. Conclusions. Vocal and choral training is one of the main prerequisites for the professional development of future music teachers. The use of conductor-choir and vocal-performance structural components in the learning process is an integral part of effective vocal-choir training of students, which will contribute to the expansion of their competence as specialists capable of familiarizing schoolchildren with the best examples of choral art at a professional level. Vocal and choral activity involves the formation and development of students’ vocal and technical, performing abilities, the ability to confidently and professionally own their own voice, equips future teachers with knowledge of the basics of the theory of voice development and protection. The professional success and effectiveness of the pedagogical activity of the future music teacher will depend on the quality of vocal and choral training.
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