
  • Viktoriia KHODUNOVА



culture, architectonics, spiritual culture, material culture, artifacts


The article discusses general scientific provisions regarding to the problem of culture. From the point of view of philosophy, psychology, cultural studies, pedagogical sources, the variety of approaches to defining the concept of “culture” has been updated. The architecture of culture, its conceptual and categorical apparatus is substantiated. It was established that nowadays it is customary to distinguish the following aspects of culture – genetic, axiological, humanistic, normative, sociological. It was established that the concept of “culture” is an ambiguous, polysemantic, multi-meaningful concept, which is characterized as a set of material and spiritual assets that reflecting the historically achieved level of development of society and human, all of this are embodied in the results of productive activity; people’s life, which is expressed in the most diverse models of their behavior and means and products of their activity: in ideas, ideals, norms and values. It was determined that a complex of the multi-level system of the structure of culture (universal – elite, popular, mass) determines its functional diversity. The essence and content of “spiritual culture” in the context of the spiritual growth of the individual is clarified. The uniqueness of the influence of spiritual culture on the personality, the activation of its self-development, self-improvement, self-determination, spiritual growth, and ensuring the socio-cultural development of society is characterized. An appropriate place in our research is an attempt to find answers to questions regarding the concept of “material culture”, as a certain sphere of culture, which differs from the spiritual, as its symbolic cover, the material form of expression of spiritual contents. It has been proven that “material culture” is not the same as the material life of society, or production, or material-transforming activity and includes artifacts (from the Latin arte – artificial, and factus – created) that are a product of human activity, an artificially created thing, a subject, as well as an idea, a method of activity.


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