leadership, upbringing, participation, non-formal education, phenomenon, leadership competence, educational institutionsAbstract
The concept of participation and its relationship with design were investigated as two interrelated components that form an innovative method of educating schoolchildren during of writing the scientific article. Participation is not just common participation in projects, but a complex phenomenon that must be considered in the context of an e-participatory approach. It has been established what the figure of a leader is and what traits are inherent in it. It has been analyzed how leadership qualities are formed in students of general secondary education institutions. The requirements that a true leader must possess have been studied and characterized. The importance of the formation of leadership qualities and the development of the leadership potential of each individual is noted, because a leader is an gained job, not an innate one. The ways, methods and forms of identifying one's own leadership potential are defined. It was found that the formation of leadership potential depends on both students and teachers and general secondary education institutions as a whole. The portrait of a modern leader and the steps of his achievement are simulated. The results of the study showed that e-participatory design is an important tool for developing students' leadership potential. During the study, important aspects, key elements and methods of leadership, which contribute to the effective formation of leadership competence of students of general secondary education institutions, were considered. The importance of e-participatory design as an innovative approach that expands the possibilities of student participation and promotes their active interaction in the online environment is noted. The development and implementation of special programs that will ensure interaction between formal and non-formal education is a key step in achieving this goal. The importance of constant study and improvement of leadership qualities through self-education, participation in trainings and active participation in virtual communities is emphasized. The problem of education of leadership competence is considered as an important aspect of the modern education system. The importance of e-participative design and its impact on the formation of a new generation of leaders, ready for challenges and opportunities in the modern world, is emphasized.
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