


educational process, technology, digitalization, cadets, discipline


The article is devoted to the definition of modern pedagogical technologies for teaching the discipline "Maritime Law", the concept of "pedagogical technology" is defined. The author analyzes the current approaches to teaching in this area, taking into account the specifics of the discipline, the peculiarities of the educational process, technological progress and the requirements of the modern labor market. The article examines pedagogical approaches to the formation of professional competencies of cadets in the field of maritime law. It is established that at the present stage, the priority areas for improving the educational process are the development of individual, adaptive forms of education, the introduction of integrated courses, the development of the information base of the educational process, and the optimal saturation of the course with digital technologies and interactive teaching methods. The relevance of the problem of introducing modern pedagogical teaching technologies and methods of teaching the law of the sea is determined by such factors as a change in the paradigm of education which requires the use of such pedagogical technologies which contribute to the development of these skills and abilities in cadets; development of information technology; labor market needs, since the modern labor market requires in-depth knowledge and practical skills from specialists in the field of maritime law, and the introduction of modern pedagogical technologies for teaching the law of the sea contributes to the development of these skills and abilities. It is noted that when teaching the discipline "Maritime Law" at the Danube Institute of the National University "Odesa Maritime Academy", various modern teaching methods are used, depending on specific topics and tasks. For example, to study the theoretical foundations of maritime law, teachers use interactive methods, such as discussions or debates; presentations that allow students to actively engage in theoretical debates. The results of the study may be useful for teachers who are interested in optimizing the process of teaching this discipline and improving the efficiency of the educational process.


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