


mentoring, tutoring, educational space, ethical norms, ethical codes, European integration processes.


The purpose of the article is to analyze the ethical aspects of mentoring and tutoring at higher educational institutions based on theoretical and applied approaches. Methodology. The methodology includes a comprehensive analysis and generalization of the available scientific and theoretical material as well as the formulation of relevant conclusions and recommendations. The following methods of scientific knowledge were used during the research: terminological, systemic-structural, dialectical, comparative, logical-normative, logical-semantic. The scientific novelty is in the fact that, using the method of scientific literature analysis and the results of empirical research, the analysis of ethical aspects of mentoring and tutoring activities at higher educational institutions within the modern educational and scientific space during the European integration processes in Ukraine under the conditions of war was deepened. Conclusions. Mentoring and tutoring activities at higher education al institutions contribute to the socialization and adaptation of students in the educational environment. For the effective implementation of the tasks set before mentors and tutors, it is important to adhere to the ethical rules of all educational proc ess participants interaction, as well as ethical codes of conduct for mentors and tutors, which will contribute to the formation of a communicative, ethical, moral culture and the formation of future specialists new competences and a mentor personal development. European integration processes in Ukraine require proper and effective reform of higher education. The introduction of mentoring and tutoring as a voluntary, auxiliary, youth-accumulating institution that functions on the basis of studentcenteredness and axiological norms is a component of such reforms and will contribute to the integration of the Ukrainian student community into the international educational and scientific space.


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