


physical education, training, physical fitness, professional qualities, military personnel


The complexity of the conditions for carrying out the professional activities of servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine forms a request regarding the appropriate level of physical fitness of specialists. The purpose of the study is to outline the direction of improving the physical training of national guardsmen, taking into account the requirements for professional readiness. To achieve the goal, theoretical methods of pedagogical research were applied. For the first time, the requirements for the professional readiness of National Guardsmen of various profiles have been summarized. The common features and differences of the requirements for the proper professional readiness of the National Guard servicemen are established. It was found that the professional activities of national guardsmen take place in extreme conditions and require a high level of: psychological stability; psychophysiological response; physical reliability and productivity. Ensuring the appropriate level of professional readiness of national guardsmen is possible under the conditions of a high level of physical and functional readiness. However, it is necessary to take into account both the requirements for the general (minimum) level of physical fitness and the level of specific qualities. For the development of specific qualities, it is necessary to determine the targeted means of physical training that will have the greatest effectiveness in developing and improving the physical fitness of military personnel. The selection of means and methods of training can be based on modern ideas about the laws of physical training that are used in sports, which is related to the extreme conditions of service by national guardsmen and the training of athletes. Moreover, their use should be implemented at the general, group and individual levels. Thus, the direction of improving the process of physical training of national guardsmen is outlined, taking into account the requirements for the professional readiness of specialists and the application of the corresponding algorithm for its programming.


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