


education seekers, choreographic training, future professionals, physical culture, sport, fitness


Summary. Excellent performing skill combines choreographic art and fitness, especially in those types where the main means are dance movements, which are composed of compositions and complexes. A fitness trainer acts not only as a methodologist, but also as a role model. Therefore, an important condition in the training of future specialists in the specialty 017 Physical culture and sports is the formation of choreographic readiness during education. In sports, choreographic training has a multifaceted nature and is a component of the physical and aesthetic education of athletes, which contributes to the development of their creative abilities, the development of leading movement qualities, which corresponds to the tasks of physical culture and sports. On the basis of the analysis, it is noted that the importance of choreographic training of fitness trainers is increased, the purpose of which is the development of expressiveness and artistry, the creation of aesthetic and artistic compositions, the formation of a culture of movements in professional activity. Research methods: to substantiate and describe the stages of choreographic training in the process of training fitness of future physical culture and sports specialists, interviews were conducted with fitness trainers (n=32) and expert evaluation methods were used: the commission method. Work results. According to the commission method, a group of experts held discussions to develop a general opinion on the future behavior of the projected objects. As a result of the work, the stages of choreographic training of future fitness trainers are highlighted, which are divided into stages of training. By means of the Delphi method of collective assessment, important aspects of choreographic art, which take place in the training of future fitness trainers, were highlighted. The processing of the results indicates a wide range of criteria chosen by the experts. Conclusions. As a result of the analysis of the choreographic training of athletes in technical and aesthetic sports, the requirements for the choreographic training of fitness trainers were determined and the criteria were specified. The learning process and the place of activity are described.


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