



communication skills, communicative situations, dialogical speech, dialogue, dialogue exercises, cultural context, advantages and disadvantages


The article highlights the importance of using dialogues in the process of learning the English language. The aim of the study is to investigate the significance of utilizing dialogue in teaching English, its advantages, effective strategies, and practical application methods. The methodological basis of the research are the main principles of language acquisition in accordance with the communicative approach, which is determinant at the current stage of the development of society; provisions on the activity nature of speech communication, the formation of foreign language skills and abilities through the student’s communicative speech activity; principles of person-oriented learning and cognitive approach to mastering a foreign language; theoretical and practical conclusions of modern language didactics. The research examines methods and techniques that contribute to the effective use of dialogues in the educational process. Special attention is paid to the role of dialogue exercises in developing students’ communicative skills, such as self-confidence, understanding of cultural contexts, and active language proficiency. Various types of dialogue exercises are mentioned, including role-playing games, group discussions, games for developing communicative skills, and storytelling exchanges. Additionally, emphasis is placed on the importance of adapting dialogue exercises to individual needs and the language proficiency level of students. Thus, based on the analysis of scientific methodological literature, practical experience of researchers and teachers, the article provides recommendations for the optimal use of dialogues in educational practice and highlights their significance for English language learning, which constitutes the novelty of the research. The study also addresses the impact of cultural differences on the effectiveness of dialogues in language learning. Understanding cultural contexts plays a crucial role in successful communication in a foreign language, as each culture has its unique norms, customs, and expectations for communication. A detailed examination of cultural aspects in dialogue exercises helps students develop respect and tolerance for cultural diversity and successfully interact with native speakers from different cultural backgrounds. Thus, incorporating cultural contexts into dialogue exercises not only enhances learning effectiveness but also fosters cultural competence among students. Furthermore, the article highlights the practical value of dialogue in English language learning. Dialogue exercises provide students with the opportunity to practice real communicative situations they may encounter in everyday life or in their professional field. This allows them to overcome language barriers, build self-confidence, and master practical English communication skills. Through dialogues, students learn to express their thoughts and ideas and adapt their language depending on the context and audience. This is particularly important for those who plan to communicate in English in professional situations such as negotiations, presentations, interviews, and so forth. As a result of the study, it can be concluded that dialogue exercises not only contribute to improving students’ language skills but also prepare them for successful interaction in the real world, making them an indispensable tool in the process of learning the English language.


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Theory and Research on Teaching as Dialogue: веб-сайт. URL : https://www.academia.edu/65767227/Using_Dialogue_Journals_as_a_Multi_Purpose_Tool_for_Preservice_Teacher_Preparation_How_Effective_Is_It?uc-g-sw=8763620 (дата звернення: 01.04.2024).

