physical education, curriculum content, sports discipline, physical health, emotional health, academic success, social adaptation, effectivenessAbstract
The modern development of educational systems emphasizes the necessity to reconsider approaches to the content of school curricula. One of the key components contributing significantly to students’ holistic development is the integration of sports disciplines into the school curriculum. However, the scientific justification for this step and its methodological aspect remain subjects of active research and discussion within the pedagogical community. Recent studies and publications have focused on the role of physical education and sports activities in shaping a healthy and emotionally resilient schoolchild’s personality. Literature analysis demonstrates that the incorporation of sports disciplines into the school curriculum contributes to enhanced academic success, development of social skills, and psychological well-being of students. The aim of this scientific article is to justify the necessity of integrating sports disciplines into the school curriculum through a methodological approach. This includes analyzing previous research, identifying the advantages and challenges of this process, and exploring opportunities for optimizing school education through the integration of sports disciplines. Various approaches to the integration of sports disciplines into the school curriculum are discussed in the article from the perspective of pedagogical theory and methodology. The significant impact of sports on students’ physical and mental health, as well as their academic success and social adaptation, is noted. The importance of developing physical and emotional aspects of personality through sports activities at school is substantiated. Conclusion. The findings of the study confirm the importance of integrating sports disciplines into the school curriculum. Sports disciplines in schools not only promote physical health but also influence the development of personality and the formation of key skills in students. Further research and implementation of relevant programs should aim to improve the quality of sports education in Ukraine.
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