shooting practice, special tactics training, high-intensity training, physical activity, physical trainingAbstract
The article analyses a specialized program that integrates high-intensity training with shooting and special tactics training for students of higher education institutions and military personnel. The key components of such training, including the development of physical and professional skills, have been determined. The importance of systematic physical training for increasing physical fitness level and psychological stability has been proven. The developed program consists of three main stages, each of which has its own specifics and goals. The initial stage is focused on general physical training, the basics of self-regulation and stress resistance. It lays the foundation for further training. In the basic stage more complex exercises are used to develop specific skills, including and special tactics training, shooting training, as well as injury prevention methods. Maintenance stage is aimed at maintaining the achieved level of physical readiness and psychological stability. It includes regular training and assessment of progress. This program was developed taking into account the specifics and challenges faced by security specialists, and aims to provide them with comprehensive training for the performance of their professional duties. The program also focuses on the integration of the latest technologies in the process of physical training, in particular the use of drones and thermal imaging systems. It is important to develop not only physical and professional qualities, but also psychological stability, adaptive strategies of behavior and effective communication in a team. The program provides a systematic approach to training, including diagnostics of the physical conditions, intensive development of physical skills and specialized classes, as well as a supporting phase to maintain the achieved results. The impact of physical activity on health is analyzed, as well as the positive impact on mental health, reducing stress and increasing self-esteem. The purpose of the program is to provide comprehensive personality development, preparation for effective performance of tasks in difficult conditions. In general, the development and implementation of a specialized program is a strategically important step in increasing the effectiveness of the training of security specialists. This ensures their comprehensive readiness for effective performance of tasks in extreme conditions.
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