


modernization, educational process, universities, online learning, technologies, information technologies, higher education system, quality of specialist training


The article shows that the social transformation experienced by modern society calls for its modernization. Modernization of higher education plays a major role in the process of modernization of society. Digitalization should become a tool for the modernization of higher education in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The authors set themselves the task of identifying the essence, main directions, contradictions and risks of digitalization of the educational process in a modern university, taking into account the socio-philosophical analysis. In the course of the theoretical analysis, the essence of network learning was revealed, and a list of digital technologies significant in the development of society was established. In this regard, higher education faces grandiose tasks that require its radical transformation, providing it with a pronounced innovative orientation. We consider the problem of online education in higher education institutions in the context of the competence approach, which is currently the basis for higher professional education in Ukraine. This approach involves the formation of system knowledge of students, as well as the development of key skills and personal characteristics necessary for professional activity. Both specific practical skills and soft skills (Ukrainian: «flexible skills», «soft skills») are important in this, the role of which in the training of specialists is growing. The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence and features of the modernization of the educational process in higher education institutions in the context of the implementation of network learning technology. Research methodology: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, generalization of best practices in the use of online learning technologies in higher education institutions. The article substantiates the relevance of the modernization of the educational process in universities using network learning technologies. The essence and features of online learning, its advantages and disadvantages are revealed. The ways and prospects of implementing network learning technology in higher education institutions have been determined. Scientific novelty: the article proposes a new approach to the modernization of the educational process in higher education institutions based on the use of network learning technology.


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