cognitive parameter, structure of the linguistic personality, problems of existentialism, specific linguistic personalitiesAbstract
The article investigates the introduction of the phenomenon of linguistic personality into the subject area of social philosophy, which allows us to reveal new views on the study of the essence of personality. In the context of our study, the question of the relevance of the concept of “linguistic personality” to the phenomenon of “personality” as an object of social and philosophical reflection is important. Of course, the concept of “linguistic personality”, which encompasses the essence of a personality as a carrier of language ability, allows us to generalize the idea of a personality as a speaker of a language (languages), a national picture of the world and culturally determined stereotypes of linguistic behavior. This understanding of the linguistic personality is reflected in the definition of E. Panitkova, which we consider to be the most appropriate for this study: “A subject potentially or actually involved in interaction with other participants of speech communication, who by means of language realizes comprehension, conceptualization of the world, communication with other individuals, as well as self-realization by means inherent in: 1) human language in general; 2) specific (national) language, language of national minorities; 3) the language of this individual”. In studying the socio-philosophical essence of the linguistic personality, the main interest is the structure of the pragmatic characteristic of the linguistic personality, identified by Yu. Karaulov, which includes three parameters: motivational, cognitive and functional. The central element is motivation, the nature of which can be interpreted in different ways. In order not to go deeper into this issue, I would like to recall a number of statements of the theory of motivation by A. Leontief and its development by D. Leontief, which are methodologically significant for further understanding of discourse as a type of social action. The recognition of such an integrative element as the value-semantic picture of the world in the general structure of the linguistic personality allows us to explain in a consistent manner how the unity of the linguistic personality is possible given the variety of discourses that express different aspects of the social life of the native speaker. Indeed, the involvement of a linguistic personality in the performance of various social roles does not destroy its integrity. This is due to the presence of an existential core in the personality structure – the idea of the meaning of life, which influences the choice of life values, ideals, and attitudes. Scientific novelty. However, in the considered models of linguistic personality, sociality is the initial postulate, taken for granted. This assumption, which is quite appropriate within the linguistic or psychological fields, requires additional substantiation when considering the problem of language personality formation from a socio-philosophical perspective. A person becomes a linguistic personality as he or she develops linguistic abilities. Having them as a native speaker is a necessary but not sufficient prerequisite for the formation of a linguistic personality. The ontological basis for its actualization is formed by the language community, which includes such social constants as culture, language and communication. The intersection of two spheres of existence – intersubjectivity and the life world of the individual self – sets the ways of their interaction as a unity of processes of integration and differentiation, the unity of the collective and the individual.
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