


professional training, social work, social worker, integrated education, professionally oriented English language


The full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation became a challenge for all spheres of activity in Ukraine – the social sphere, which takes care of vulnerable, poorly protected and unprotected categories of the population, was no exception. Solving the problem of improving the quality of training of future specialists in the social sphere, which determines the new paradigm of professional training of social workers, defines it as the central subject of professional activity in the social sphere, puts forward requirements for its qualification. The current requirements for social workers, knowledge of the English language is an integral part of their professional competence. The purpose of the article is to analyze modern scientific research and systematize the main directions of studying the problem of professional training of future social workers. To find out the phenomenology of the research, to determine the essence of the conceptual apparatus, which will be used in future as part of the study of the problem of integrated teaching of the professionally oriented English language of future social workers in the process of professional training. The methodology of the article consists of a comprehensive analysis and a systematic approach to the study of the leading scientific experience related to the professional training of future social workers. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the definition of phenomenology of the problem of integrated teaching of professionally oriented English language of future social workers in higher educational institutions. The conclusions of the article clearly outline the essence of the conceptual apparatus of the problem of integrated teaching of the professionally oriented English language of future social workers in the process of professional training.


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