


blended learning, educational process, higher education institutions, relevance, innovation, students, digitalization of education


In the article, the authors explore current trends in education, in particular the application of the concept of blended learning in higher education institutions. It is noted that the COVID-19 pandemic, and subsequently the war in Ukraine started by the Russian Federation, have significantly affected the educational process, forcing educational institutions of all levels to reconsider traditional forms of education. This also applies to higher education institutions (HEIs), where there is an urgent need to adapt to new realities. In the context of the rapid development of digital technologies, blended learning has become an innovative approach that combines the benefits of traditional and online learning. And it is important to create a comfortable information environment for learning, including the development of online platforms for access to materials, creation of discussion forums, organization of webinars, etc. The authors present the basic principles and benefits of blended learning, review tools and technologies, as well as key aspects of training teachers and students to use this approach effectively. The mechanisms for implementing the concept of blended learning in the educational process are highlighted. It is established that blended learning, as a form of organizing pedagogical interaction, reproduces the role of the teacher, transforming it into a more facilitating and moderating one. In this context, the teacher is no longer just a provider of information, but becomes a guide and facilitator of active learning. For the effective implementation of blended learning, it is important to have a high level of digital competencies in both teachers and students. The study found that blended learning is a promising tool for improving the quality of education in the context of modern digital transformation. The results of the study can be used to improve teaching methods in higher education institutions, develop blended learning programs and courses, and improve the skills of teachers, educators, and researchers.


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