quantum mechanical system, biological coherenceAbstract
The article analyzes the formation of a new approach to the problem of living matter through the integration of Western scientific thought and Eastern experience. An attempt to outline the contours of the creation of theoretical biology and medicine is made in the framework of this method. Our confidence in the correctness of this approach is based on experimental results and, above all, the vast clinical experience gained in various countries during the successful treatment of many thousands of patients suffering from «incurable» diseases from the point of view of conventional therapy. The aim: to demonstrate the limitations of pharmacological (chemical) therapy and the atomistic paradigm of science (in particular medicine) on the methodological basis of modern interdisciplinary directions (the theory of dissipative structures, chaos, autopoiesis), quantum mechanics, as well as the basic patterns of oriental medicine. Materials and methods. The principles used in the article include self-organization, emergence, quantum mechanics (the Heisenberg uncertainty principle), the principle of consistency; principles of using coherent millimeter waves of low power, etc. Theoretical methods of analysis and synthesis, idealization, abstraction, induction and deduction are also used. Сonclusions 1. The concept of «integrable system» is equivalent to the concept of «integral quantum-mechanical system». 2. Integral quantum-mechanical systems (nuclei, atoms, molecules, living objects) in the ground state are described by periodic wave functions of the type exp (jwt). 3. The traditional paradigm, for the most part, eliminates the qualitative difference between living and dead matter. 4. Any living system functioning as a whole is simultaneously a macroscopic quantum-mechanical object and a millimeterwave laser.
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