speech therapist, media competence, media space, online speech therapy, educationAbstract
The article is dedicated to exploring the peculiarities of the professional activities of speech therapists in the media space. The paper delves into key aspects that define the effectiveness of speech therapy practice in the context of contemporary media. The authors examine the challenges and opportunities that arise for speech therapists in utilizing various media platforms. The role of speech therapists in educational and advisory activities in the online environment is scrutinized. Social media platforms such as Youtube, Facebook, and Instagram are discussed as online working platforms for speech therapists. Additionally, the formation and enhancement of media competence among speech therapists for successful interaction with modern media technologies are considered. The article provides conclusions from a scientific study aimed at determining the level of media competence among practicing speech therapists in Ukraine. The components of this competence are thoroughly examined, different levels of its manifestation are identified, and assessment criteria are established. The research includes an analysis and classification of skills and knowledge that determine successful speech therapy practice. Each component of media competence is meticulously examined, taking into account their interaction and influence on the professional activities of speech therapists. Various levels of media competence are identified, ranging from low to high, each characterized by a specific degree of mastery of media skills and knowledge. Moreover, clear criteria are described to assess the level of media competence of speech therapists, which are based on key aspects of professional activity. Quantitative indicators of research results are presented, and the thematic focus of further scientific investigations is outlined.
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