adaptation, individualization of education, educational process, students, innovations, digitalizationAbstract
In the article, the authors analyze the concepts of «differentiation» and «individualization» in the context of the use of information technology in higher education institutions. It has been found that differentiated learning helps students develop a positive attitude towards disciplines, demonstrate a higher level of self-confidence, have better social skills through group work, and demonstrate better learning habits and problem-solving skills. Personalized learning is an educational methodology that uses information technology to create individualized learning paths for each student. This methodology takes into account the personal characteristics, abilities and needs of future professionals, providing optimal conditions for their learning. The purpose of the study: to explore the concepts of «differentiation of education» and «individualization of education» in the context of higher education, to identify the main challenges and benefits. Methodology. Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature: study of scientific papers, articles and other sources of information on the topic under study; analytical work with sources of information: synthesis and systematization of the knowledge gained, clear formulation of key concepts and aspects of the topic. The scientific novelty of the study is that the authors have studied and systematized the concept of «differentiation of education»; analyzed the main challenges and benefits of individualized and differentiated learning through the information environment of higher education institutions. Conclusions. Technologies of individualized and differentiated learning are becoming increasingly popular in higher education. Their implementation brings a number of significant advantages, making the educational process more efficient and effective. By taking into account the personal characteristics and needs of each student, learning becomes more flexible and adaptive. The results of the study show that information technology allows the use of various methods and forms of education, including online courses, project-based learning, research, etc.
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