


foreign language teaching, metasubject approach, metacompetency, metacompetencies, soft skills, metasubject technologies, higher education institution


Metacompetence acts as a condition for the student's personality development and his\her achievement of high quality of education. Personality development occurs through the formation of universal learning activities, which is the basis of the educational and pedagogical process. The aim of the article is to learn and analyze the issues of the realization of metadisciplinary approach in the system of a foreign language teaching of students of future specialists at a higher education institution; define methods and technologies of forming metacompetencies of future specialists in the context of teaching a foreign language at a higher education institution. The realization of the assigned aim needs to accomplish the following tasks: 1) study the concepts of “meta-competence”, “metadisciplinary competence”, “supra-professional competence”, “soft skills”; 2) define the types of metacompencies. Scientific novelty. The need to form a holistic worldview of future specialists based on metadisciplinary integration is determined in the article. The competency basis of professional training in the system of higher education implies a set of professional and supraprofessional, or metacompetencies development, as well as soft skills of the graduates of higher education institutions. Soft skills are not professional competences, but they facilitate the future specialists' entry into the profession and create favorable conditions for professional and interpersonal communication, acquisition of new knowledge, development of analytical, critical, creative thinking skills, etc. In conclusion, the meta-disciplinary approach in education promotes the development of students’ thinking culture and a scientific worldview, who are provided with great opportunities for using the obtained knowledge in the classroom in real life situations. “A Foreign Language” discipline allows creating conditions for achieving a wide range of metadisciplinary competencies. Moreover, due to its general humanitarian orientation, foreign language training offers niversity graduates for professional self-realization.


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How to Cite

ЄРЬОМЕНКО, І. (2022). METADISCIPLINARY METHOD IN TEACHING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE AT A HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (1), 18-23.