religious communication, apologies, “Apologist”, rhetorical means, communication techniques, ChurchAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the communicative potential of the rhetorical work of early Christian apologies on the example of the famous "Apologetic" speech by Tertullian. The aim of the study is to identify effective rhetorical tools and communication techniques used in speeches made by the most famous Christian apologist Tertullian, a “political journalist” of his time, and identify the ways of their usage in the latest mediatised communication of the Church. Methodology. In the course of the research general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, generalisation, systematization and historical analysis were applied, which enabled a comprehensive consideration of the communication of the Church in the diachronic dimension. A special scientific method of communication analysis allowed us to identify and characterise the communication techniques and rhetorical tools that determined the effectiveness of “Apologetics” and provided its timeless significance and influence. Scientific novelty. This research for the first time actualises the communication potential of early Christian apologies for the latest communication practices of the Church. Its role for the performance of its functions focused on productive interaction with the faithful is revealed. Conclusions. The study concluded on the factors and prerequisites for the communicative effectiveness of Tertullian's work. The authors point to the high level of its factuality and relevance to current events; adaptability of used examples, historical and cultural parallels and artistic analogies to audience expectations; personification of reflections, which enhances the expressiveness of the author’s "I" and graduation of topics in the coverage of complex issues, etc.
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