modal words, text modality, translation strategies, text pragmatics, literary translationAbstract
The presented article considers the basic concepts that still remain largely unexplored in the discipline of translation studies, namely the concept of translation strategy of the modality of a literary text. The study is based on the theoretical and methodological basis of K. Nord and A. Chesterman. Analyzing the critical literature, the author notes that the concept of translation strategy is a multicomponent phenomenon with a "core" and "periphery" and is defined as a purposeful cognitive behavior of a translator, aimed at solving a certain communicative goal. The main components of the translation strategy are a set of methods, techniques and ways of translation that are necessary to achieve the adequacy of any type of translation – written or oral. First, in order to accurately reproduce a literary text, the translator must be guided by the strategy of translation, a concept that is widely understood by scholars. That is as the concept of translation in general or the concept of translation of a particular text. Second, translation strategies cannot be successful or unsuccessful, they are used functionally and dynamically in terms of text genre, type of translation, method of translation, purpose of translation, features of the target audience, and the chosen method. To achieve the desired goal goal, the author of a literary text, using various linguistic means, including modal ones, which contain in their semantics the shade necessary to express personal attitude and subjective evaluation, trying to form a certain image and convince the reader of the legitimacy of such perception. Modal means reveal the information displayed by the author in the form of reasoning and expression of judgments about the problem or situation being described. This approach to the consideration of the modality of the text, both written and screened, is closely related to the culturological, because during the translation the individual and ethnocultural features of the conceptual systems of the author, speaker and translator become important. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the recipients have a proper understanding of the translated text into another sign system, and on the other hand, to preserve inocultural elements.
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