social advertising, social PR, media, journalism, promotionAbstract
Promoting the adoption of pets is an important social mission, the results of which are aimed at reducing the number of homeless animals, improving their lives in shelters, increasing the number of cats and dogs, general humanization of society and changing public opinion about stray animals. It is important to understand that development and modernization are needed by all parts of the process of housing stray animals and the rights of all animals in general. The object of the study is the adoption of pets. The subject is the promotion of pet adoption through the media. The aim of the study was to outline the trends of communication strategies to promote the adoption of pets, as a result of which citizens can become more motivated to take animals from shelters, giving them a chance at a new life. In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were formed: 1. to review current means and measures to promote the adoption of domestic animals in Ukraine and the world; 2. identify trends in the promotion of pet adoption in Ukraine and abroad. Scientific novelty. Thanks to PR tools, it is possible to actively promote adoption and involve both public organizations and large companies and brands in this process in order to achieve a socially important goal. The positive effect of this work is possible only with the use of modern methods of promotion. It should be understood that in order to obtain it, it is necessary to take into account all of the available methods of promotion and build a strategy based on the characteristics, conditions and target audience. In conclusion, we note that social advertising of animals from the shelter has become more common in society, but has not yet been studied in detail. Social advertising of adoption has its own characteristics, which are determined not only by its content but also by its visual component, as it has a strong influence on the emotions of recipients. It should be noted that the practice of adopting pets both by ordinary people and celebrities who are thought leaders for their target audience is popular abroad. Therefore, we can conclude that their examples make it possible to increase the level of animal adoption among the population. Also, through promotion, it is through social advertising that people can be involved in the formation of responsibility for animals and encourage them to take a dog or cat from a shelter.
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