


children's magazine, media content, typology, audience, information


Modern children's magazines are a valuable tool for aesthetic, social, patriotic, humanistic education of young people. It is the children's segment of the national journal discourse, despite numerous studies of children's periodicals, in general, continues to remain outside the scope of scientific research, which inspires the relevance of our study. The aim of the article is to define and analyze modern children's magazine periodicals, to identify their constant typological, structural, semantic and functional features that mark it as an independent, original socio-communicative phenomenon in the modern media discourse of Ukraine. Scientific novelty. The article defines the typology of modern magazine periodicals for children with regard to age specifics, which corresponds not to the functional and thematic orientation of the publication, but to the age characteristics of the recipient. This chronological and age principle made it possible to distinguish three main groups of magazines for children: 1) magazines for children and preschoolers; 2) magazines for preschoolers and primary school age; 3) magazines for teenagers. The typological range of children's magazines includes publications that have gender and regional specifics. The media content of each publication from the analyzed typological range corresponds to the specifics of the magazine, focuses on the level of perception of information by the target audience. Despite the similar media content of publications for children of one typological group, each magazine finds its niche, meeting the needs and interests of young readers. In conclusion, we state that the Ukrainian media discourse has created favorable conditions for the development of children's magazines. Magazines perform developmental, educational, entert aining, entertaining function, stimulate the child's cognitive interest, become a means of nurturing and educating love for people and nature on the way to the humanistic and civic development of young readers.


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How to Cite

СУПРУН, В. (2022). UKRAINIAN CHILDREN’S MAGAZINES: TYPOLOGY, MEDIA CONTENT. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (1), 47-53.