business communication, speech influence, argumentation, rhetoric, emotionsAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the methods of speech influence used in business communication. Business communication in the modern world is an extremely important component of successful communication in business and other spheres of life. This article aims to investigate the ways of speech influence that can be used in business communication and to determine their influential factors on the effectiveness of communication. The relevance of the study is determined by several key aspects: communication effectiveness, development of interpersonal skills, promotion of successful business activities and growth of the level of education. The article provides a general overview of the ways of speech influence in business communication, as they help to achieve goals, convince interlocutors and create a positive impression. The main ways of speech influence include argumentation, rhetorical figures and emotions. The author of the article emphasize that properly constructed arguments can convince the interlocutor and influence his/her decision. Rhetorical figures are considered in the article as techniques by which a speaker tries to make his speech more expressive and convincing. In addition, according to the author, rhetorical figures help to attract the attention of the audience, emphasize the importance of certain ideas and create an emotional connection with the listeners. The author note that no less important in the process of speech influence is the role of emotions, which in business communication have a significant impact on the results of communication, creating a favorable or tense atmosphere in a professional environment, so it is important to understand how emotions affect business communication and how to properly manage them to achieve success. The article notes that understanding these ways of speech influence and their correct application can improve the effectiveness of communication in business communication.
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