Ukrainian language, sports discourse, reporting, phraseology, linguistic means, sentencesAbstract
The article is devoted to the consideration of the structural and semantic organization of sports discourse. In recent decades, modern linguistics has been actively researching the linguistics of sports in the paradigm of various aspects: semantic, word-forming, functional, linguistic and cultural, etc. Our research is devoted to the analysis of semantic and syntactic parameters of sports discourse, linguistic means and ways of expression. In modern linguistics, we have not found yet similar works, no developed methodology of such an analysis has been identified in scientific research, therefore our research, carried out on the material of television reports of football matches in 2022–2023, which were broadcast on Ukrainian TV channels, is relevant. The purpose of the article is to analyze the semantic and syntactic organization of football TV reports, to characterize the typology and structural features of sentences, to consider the semantics and functioning of the identified syntactic units, to describe the linguistic means of expression. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks which are obtained by describing the structural types of the detected syntactic units; classifying simple sentences; analyzing the semantic load of sentences; describing the most frequent structural types of sentences; identifying and characterizing the most common linguistic means of expression. The following research methods are used in the work: structural, component analysis, descriptive, comparative analysis etc. The conducted research revealed a wide system of language tools and ways of forming sports discourse. The observations have shown that simple sentences prevail in football TV reports, which is related to the need to quickly inform listeners (viewers) about the events on the football field; commentators use complex sentences when they want to add or clarify information (usually about football players, coaches, features of this year’s competitions, etc.), explain the situation, etc. It has been determined that among the syntactic constructions, the most common one-member sentences are nominative and impersonal; incomplete sentences are also widely represented; the use of them gives brevity and economy to speech. A large group of sentences with complicating components, including interjections, was also recorded.
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