



cultural code, Ukrainian blogosphere, media space, online space, blogger


The relevance of the study is determined by the need to build the Ukrainian blogosphere and develop the cultural code of the Ukrainian people, related to the actualization of national consciousness and identity. The study revealed that the modern Ukrainian blogosphere acts as a means of developing the cultural code of the Ukrainian people, which is available to Ukrainian bloggers from any corner of the earth in connection with the growing aggression of Russia towards Ukraine. Currently, the media environment serves as a means not only of the representation of an individual, but also of an entire nation that strives for self-affirmation and revival. At the same time, it is worth noting that there are certain problems in using the media environment for the development of the people’s cultural code, which significantly limit Ukrainian bloggers from fully defending their national identity. The subject of the study was the Ukrainian blogosphere, which includes both professional bloggers and amateurs who are interested in the development of the cultural code in the media environment. This is due to the popularity of social networks and the wide possibilities of the media environment for optimizing communication between people from different countries. The purpose of the study is to consider the peculiarities of the development of the people’s cultural code in the Ukrainian blogosphere. To achieve the goal, the methods of scientific literature analysis on the researched topic, questionnaire and analysis of the obtained results using statistical analysis, content analysis were used. The results of the study established that Ukrainian bloggers actively promote national and cultural values in the media environment aiming at developing the people’s cultural code, which is implemented both at the linguistic and nonlinguistic levels. The majority of Ukrainian bloggers point to the high potential of visual content in the development of the people’s cultural code in social networks in order to focus the attention of the target audience on key cultural components. The development of the Ukrainian blogosphere and the active involvement of the national-cultural component in this process shows the wide possibilities of the media space for the development of the people’s cultural code, which is realized at all linguistic and non-linguistic levels, which, in turn, indicates the prospects for further research of the identified problem.


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How to Cite

СЕРГЄЄВА, А. (2023). FEATURES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PEOPLE’S CULTURAL CODE IN THE UKRAINIAN BLOGOSPHERE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (2 (7), 72-78. https://doi.org/10.32689/maup.philol.2023.2.11