


neologism, problematic, contradiction of novelty, identification criteria


Neologisms are a certain phenomenon in the German language, which has been actively developed since the 20th century. Thanks to the study of neologisms, an analysis of updating the lexical composition of the German language is carried out. The study of neologisms formed during crisis situations in society is now gaining special interest. But not all lexical entries can be attributed to the category of neologisms. Currently, there are many points of view regarding the definition of the essence of the category "neologism", but there is no single unified definition of this category. Therefore, the relevance of the chosen topic is determined by a new angle of analysis of the problems of defining the category "neologism" in the context of crisis situations in society. The aim of the article is to analyze the results of research by foreign and domestic linguists regarding the definition of the category "neologism", to summarize the problems of identifying neologisms in the German language and to formulate one's own vision regarding the essence of this category. Realization of the set purpose provides the decision of a number of problems, such as: 1) analysis of definitions of the term "neologism" and selection of problems of contradiction of the concept "neologism" in modern linguistics; 2) formulating one's own opinion regarding the definition of neologisms in the modern German language. Scientific novelty. The article presents the author's approach to the definition of neologisms of the modern German language. In conclusion, we note that the analyzed material made it possible to generalize the problems of defining the category "neologism" in the German language and to explain in detail and substantiate the author's approach to the definition of neologisms in the modern German language. The study of neologisms of the German language today is promising, since the number of neologisms has increased rapidly since the period of the COVID 19 pandemic and until today. The analysis of word-forming models of neologisms is of particular interest in further research.


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How to Cite

СТОЛЯРЧУК, Г. (2023). PROBLEMATICS OF DEFINING THE TERM “NEOLOGISM” IN THE MODERN GERMAN LANGUAGE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (5 (10), 37-43.