


IT terminology, abbreviations, digitalization, information technology development, definition


Nowadays, the field of information technology (IT) is positioned as a source of active replenishment of the English lexical stock with the latest units, which is due to the reflection of new definitions, processes and realities in the terminological base. The study of the regularities of the formation of terminological vocabulary is relevant in the current conditions of social development for linguists in the concept of its intensive development and active interaction with commonly used lexical categories. The article analyzes the prerequisites and examples of the formation of new and updating of traditional English terms in the IT industry, in particular, information technology management, administration, programming, and the formation of logistics chains. The phenomenon under study is positioned as interesting from a scientific and linguistic point of view. The purpose of the study is to examine the peculiarities of the influence of modern technologies on the development of English vocabulary in terms of IT terminology analysis. Modern digital dictionaries served as the material for the study. It is established that the rapid development of robotization and automation of social life causes a redistribution of productive forces, which leads to the renewal of traditional and the formation of the latest terminology. It is proved that English is currently positioned as one of the most widely used languages in the IT sphere, and its vocabulary is widely used in the formation of the latest terms, abbreviations and acronyms in the communication of IT specialists in the international format. It is determined that this terminology intensifies the speed and quality of communication in the IT sphere. The analysis of the specifics of the process of forming new and updating traditional terms in the field of information technology, implemented in this study, allows us to assert that modern innovative development contributes to the intensification of speech and communication competence and improves the quality of IT professionals’ activities.


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How to Cite

АРТИШ, О., ЛЕВУН, Г., & ПЕТРОВА, С. (2024). THE INFLUENCE OF MODERN TECHNOLOGIES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ENGLISH VOCABULARY: AN ANALYSIS OF IT TERMINOLOGY. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (1 (11), 5-9.