


English discourse, business communication, ethos, rhetoric, positive impression strategy


The article is devoted to the study of the strategy of positive impression as a means of appealing to the rhetorical ethos in English-language business discourse. The author examines the concept of «positive impression» in the context of interaction in business communication and analyzes the verbalizers who implement the strategy of positive impression. The relevance of the study lies in the growing importance of intercultural communication and the effective use of language in the business environment, especially in countries where English is the language of international business. The purpose of the article is to examine the verbalization potential of the positive impression strategy in English business discourse from a rhetorical perspective. Focusing on the rhetorical ethos, which is aimed at the speaker’s self-presentation, the article highlights how the effective use of positive impressions contributes to the increase of influence and persuasiveness in business communication. The author emphasizes that understanding the strategy of positive impression in business discourse can help increase professional success and improve the speaker’s reputation. The article interprets the rhetorical strategy of positive impression as an approach to language influence aimed at creating a favorable, friendly and confident impression of one’s own personality, product, service or organization. The author examines how certain language tools positively influence the audience’s perception of the speaker and increase credibility and trust in the speaker or organization. The author provides examples of successful use of the positive impression strategy in real business communication situations, and proves its impact on the effectiveness of communication and goal achievement. The results of the study can be useful for specialists in the fields of intercultural communication, marketing and management, as well as for anyone interested in improving business communication skills in an English-speaking environment.


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How to Cite

СЄРЯКОВА, І. (2024). THE STRATEGY OF POSITIVE IMPRESSION AS AN APPEAL TO THE RHETORICAL ETHOS IN ENGLISH BUSINESS DISCOURSE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (1 (11), 48-53.