



act-checking, hybrid conflicts, disinformation, crowdfunding, information verification, fact-checking of public statements


The article analyzes the method of fact-checking as a tool for countering disinformation in the conditions of hybrid conflicts. The historical origin of fact-checking as a genre of journalism, its development and significance in modern media realities are considered. In particular, the main functions and mission of fact-checking initiatives at the international level and their impact on countering disinformation are defined. The structure and style of the fact check as a specific genre of journalism is characterized, it is determined that this method has an object of research, an evidence base, references to competent sources, expert comments, and a logical conclusion supported by thorough analysis. It is determined that fact-checkers use a structured protocol for verifying information, which includes identifying claims that need verification, quickly and efficiently performing the verification, conducting analysis using sources of recognized authority, and establishing a final verdict, which can be classified as false, true or half-truth. Each step is accompanied by expert verification and cross-checking of facts, which helps to ensure the accuracy and reliability of published data. It was found that in the context of hybrid wars, fact-checking acts not only as a fact-checking tool, but also as a strategic element of national security protection. The effectiveness of fact-checking has been proven through examples of successful projects, such as «PolitiFact», «Climate Feedback» and the Ukrainian «StopFake», which ensure increased information transparency and truthfulness. The conclusions drawn emphasize that the stability and security of society depend on access to true information, and fact-checking is a key tool for ensuring it. In the course of the study, it was found that increasing the number of fact-checking initiatives can serve as apowerful tool in countering informational aggression and manipulation, which is a frequent practice in hybrid conflicts. Based on the analysis of modern challenges and the dynamics of the development of fact-checking platforms, ways to increase the effectiveness of verification mechanisms are proposed, in particular through the use of the latest technologies and international cooperation.


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How to Cite

ГУЦУЛЯК, Д. (2024). FACT CHECKING AS A TOOL FOR COMBATING DISINFORMATION IN THE CONDITIONS OF HYBRID CONFLICTS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (2 (12), 22-26. https://doi.org/10.32689/maup.philol.2024.2.3