inclusion, inclusive education, terms, professional languageAbstract
Inclusive education should be considered a special system of educational services, the main goal of which isto ensure equal access to education for every person, regardless of special abilities, psychophysical development and individual needs. The purpose of this study is to systematize and analyze the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the professional language of inclusive education. The research was conducted on the basis of theuse of general scientific and special methods that are used in modern science, as well as the method of descriptive analysis with a review of scientific literature. The international and domestic legislation, which defines the main principles, tasks, rights and obligations of the subjects of the educational process, obligations to ensure inclusiveeducation for children and youth with special educational needs, has been singled out and analyzed. It is argued that today there is an active process of coordination and adaptation of national and international legislation to ensure all conditions for the organization of successful inclusive education. The prospects for further research in the field of the professional language of inclusive education are knowledge and understanding of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the professional language of inclusive education, which are key to the effective organization of the educational process and the creation of a favorable environment for all students, which in turn contributes to ensuring equal opportunities in education and training inclusive society. Based on the analysis of international conventions, domestic legislation and scientific literature, the author identified the fundamental terms of inclusive education and carried out a conceptual analysis of their content. The need to systematize the terms of the professional language of inclusive education and develop specialized dictionaries is argued. This study makes a significant contribution to the development of the professional language of inclusive education, contributing to the improvement of the efficiency and quality of educational services for all participants of the educational process. Identification of key terms and their systematization allow you to create a single platform for professional communication. This, in turn, contributes to greater consistency of actions and understanding between all participants in the educational process. The use of unambiguous terms also facilitates the development and implementation of educational programs that meet the needs of all students. Thus, the study lays the groundwork for further scientific and practical developments in the field of inclusive education. The use of standardized terms helps strengthen the legal field and ensure equal opportunities for all children, regardless of their educational needs.
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