



existential motives, context, Luhansk region, poetics, idiostyle, Hanna Haivoronska


The article analyzes the existential orientation of the main motives of the lyrics by the modern Ukrainian poet from the Luhansk region, Hanna Haivoronska, in the context of the development of the literary process today, based on the material of the anthology of poems «Keys from the Sun». The biographical factors that influenced the evolution of the author’s individual style for the last decade have been revealed. They have considered the author’s reception of the formation of the Ukrainian mentality in the Russian-speaking environment. The lyrics from the author’s anthology have been analyzed and systematized at the level of dominant motives: civic (problems of the national identity shaped in the Soviet and post-Soviet reality; opposition of the archetype «Man-to-the-World» and «Man-to-the-Nation»; the struggle of the Ukrainians through the space and temporal prism of the Russian-Ukrainian hybrid war of 2014 and a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022); resettlement (an image of a resettled woman; problems of interaction of one’s own world with the Ukrainian mentality due to Russian propaganda and the imposition by Russia of its language, culture, and lifestyle; resettlement as a form of the forced migration); eternal (life and death, loneliness and freedom, the question of faith and despiripualization, the search for the meaning of life, joy, love, the mission of the poet, memory and unconsciousness, the problems of preserving natural harmony, ecology and preserving one’s home – the Earth). It has been proved that the author’s artistic search at the level of analysis of existential motives for portraying a contemporary lyrical hero in the creative consciousness has freed itself from the absolute power of historical determinism and returned to the worldview aesthetic pluralism based on the universal human values. Our research does not pretend to be exhaustive of the declared problem, it only testifies to the existence of different artistic and philosophical trends in it, the synchronous development of traditional, modern poetry, which returns artistic fullness and freedom to the creative personality. Therefore, modern researchers face the question of rethinking the artistic heritage of regional writing in the historical-genetic and historical-functional aspects of literary studies


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How to Cite

НЕГОДЯЄВА, С. (2024). EXISTENTIAL MOTIVES OF THE LYRICS BY HANNA HAIVORONSKA (BASED ON THE ANTHOLOGY «KEYS FROM THE SUN»). Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (2 (12), 74-78. https://doi.org/10.32689/maup.philol.2024.2.12