method, social advertising, gender, advertising, message, social motiveAbstract
Introduction. The research focuses on the theoretical analysis of the history of the development of genderoriented content in social advertising and the identification of key stages of its development. Aim. Theoretically substantiate the stages of development of social advertising on gender issues in Ukraine. Methods. The principle of historicism is used to study the dynamic development of the phenomenon of gender-oriented content in social advertising, the method of terminological analysis, to study the concepts of «social advertising», «Gender-oriented social advertising», the theoretical basis of the study is based on sociocultural (studied socio-cultural aspects of changing social values, cultural codes in advertising messages), sociocommunicative (identified features of gender-oriented content in advertising communications) and gender social approaches advertising). The method of content analysis was used to study Ukrainian social advertising on gender issues. Results. Stages of development of gender-oriented social advertising are highlighted.
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