


manipulation, social media, influence tactics, disinformation, media literacy, manipulative strategies, manipulation technology, countering tactics, information security


The article analyzes the main manipulative tactics used in social media, as well as their verbal and visual means of influence. Using the method of information retrieval, a selection of scientific literature dedicated to the study of manipulative tactics specifically in the context of social media was conducted. The research highlights studies that focus on aspects such as the impact of fake information on the emotional and cognitive state of content consumers. Using the method of problem analysis, the specifics of the main types of manipulative tactics aimed at spreading disinformation and distorting informational reality, including social media users, were revealed. These tactics include: the use of a promoted image, the tactic of accusation to expose the opponent, the creation of threats, the creation of an emotional mood in the audience, integration tactics, flattery, false self-presentation, spreading rumors and disinformation, creating caricatures and memes, as well as inciting panic and fear, among others. Attention is paid to how social media, through their algorithms and social proof mechanisms (such as likes, comments, reviews), spread these manipulative technologies. Particular emphasis is placed on the tactics of countering disinformation, which are used to reduce the impact of manipulations on social media users. The main mechanisms of combating disinformation are considered, including increasing the level of media literacy among the population, developing critical thinking, and implementing technological tools to detect and neutralize fake messages. The issue of disinformation and its impact on public opinion is especially important in the context of crisis situations, particularly during wars, political, and social conflicts, when manipulations become a powerful tool for influencing public consciousness. The article also examines the prospects for further research into manipulation and disinformation tactics on digital platforms and analyzes how new technologies can be used to combat manipulation. An important element is also the study of how social media algorithms contribute to the spread of manipulations, amplifying their viral dissemination.


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How to Cite

ГРИШИН, М. (2024). MANIPULATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN SOCIAL MEDIA: BASIC TACTICS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (3 (13), 17-26.