


secondary language personality, intercultural communication, language competence, translation, philology


The article deals with the conceptual foundations of the formation of the linguistic personality of future philologiststranslators as a necessary element of training specialists for intercultural communication. The relevance of the study is due to the growing need for highly qualified specialists who are able to effectively carry out intercultural communication in a culturally diverse environment. In today’s society, where the exchange of information and interaction between representatives of different linguistic and cultural groups is becoming increasingly intense, the professional training of philologists and translators plays an important role. The development of a linguistic personality that is able to flexibly adapt to the peculiarities of another culture while maintaining objectivity and tolerance is a key task of the educational system. These tasks become especially relevant in the context of integration processes that require a high level of interlingual competence. The purpose of the article is to define the conceptual foundations of the formation of the linguistic personality of future philologists-translators, to study the main theoretical approaches that contribute to the development of a translator’s comprehensive professional competence and ensure effective teaching of intercultural communication. The main attention is focused on theoretical approaches to this issue. The authors define the key principles of translator training, including communicative, intercultural, cognitive, psycholinguistic, and discourse approaches. It has been established that each of the approaches contributes to the development of a complex linguistic personality capable of adequately conveying meanings, cultural contexts and emotional shades of a foreign language utterance. As a result of the integrated application of these approaches, future philologists-translators acquire a high level of professional competence that allows them to successfully perform intercultural mediation tasks.


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How to Cite

КАБАЧЕНКО, І., & АРТЕМЕНКО, Ю. (2024). CONCEPTUAL BASES FOR THE FORMATION OF THE LINGUISTIC PERSONALITY OF FUTURE PHILOLOGISTS-TRANSLATORS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (3 (13), 33-37.