


cognitive processes, physical cultures, students


Annotation. Formulation of the problem. The organization of physical activity is an important component of the formation of competencies in the field of healthy lifestyle of students. Formulation of the purpose of the article. The aim is to investigate the impact of physical education on the cognitive sphere of students. Research hypothesis: physical education helps to improve students' cognitive performance. Literature review. Students who are regularly involved in physical education are more motivated and active in achieving academic success, which contributes to better academic performance. Presenting main material. The research methodology was based on the understanding of man as a biopsychosocial being in the dialectical unity of physical and mental. The participants of the research were involved by the method of simple randomization from among the students of different faculties of IAPM. The sample of respondents consisted of two groups: 36 students (15 girls and 21 boys), who paid significant attention to physical education, regularly visited gyms or swimming pools, took an active part in student competitions, and 48 students (25 girls and 23 boys) who indifferent to physical education. The following methods were used for the psychodiagnostic study of the cognitive sphere of students: Methodology "Study of the concentration of audio attention"; Short indicative test of KOT (VM Buzina, EF Vanderlik); Questionnaire DORS (Differentiated assessment of reduced performance "fatigue-monotony-saturation-stress") A. Leonov and V. Velychkovskaya. The level of general mental abilities in the studied groups of students who are actively engaged in physical culture and do not pay enough attention to it did not differ significantly, as well as the ability to generalize and analyze material, but differed indicators of distraction, orientation and spatial attention, ability to switch and flexibility of thinking. Fatigue was closely related to satiety, monotony, and stress. Conclusions and prospects for further research. It was found that students who regularly engage in physical culture have the best indicators of the speed of concentration and involvement in work. Neglect of physical training provokes greater exhaustion and instability of attention, slow involvement in work and increased distraction. The results of the study confirmed the hypothesis of a positive impact of physical education on the cognitive sphere of students. Further research is expected to focus on the development of motivational training aimed at encouraging students to engage in physical education.


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How to Cite

ПОКЛАДОВА, Т., ГУСЕЙНЛІ, Г., & БАЯНДІНА, О. (2022). THE IMPACT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION ON THE COGNITIVE SPHERE OF STUDENTS. Modern Medicine, Pharmacy and Psychological Health, (2(7), 45-54.