



gunshot combat injury, wound channel, main vessels, injuries of the vascular bed, gunshot wound, primary surgical treatment, vascular injury


Background. Difficult conditions of employment with gunshot wounds of the chest cavity, including damage to blood vessels, complicate wartime, because it is the incorrect tactics of managing patients that are of critical importance for their life, not just prolongation. Thus, modern firearms have extremely destructive powers, which in a conflict situation causes serious injuries among the military and the civilian population in the combat zone. The impossibility of speed management of such victims is not a problem, therefore the topic is relevant and urgent to study in order to improve effective methods of treatment. Aim. The method of work is to determine the characteristics of gunshot damage to the main vessel of the chest cavity. Materials and methods: analysis of theoretical sources, comparison, induction of isolated data Derivation of the hypothesis of consequences with clarification of its content. Experimental verification of the consequences of the hypothesis. Conclusions. The study of damage to the main vessel of the thoracic cavity due to gunshot wounds makes it possible to develop better methods of treatment and rehabilitation of patients.


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How to Cite

РУДЕНКО, М., & ДАКАЛ, А. (2023). BURNT INJURIES OF THE CHEST CAVITY: X-RAY DIAGNOSTICS OF VASCULAR INJURIES. Modern Medicine, Pharmacy and Psychological Health, (1(10), 41-44. https://doi.org/10.32689/2663-0672-2023-1-5