


mental conditions, war trauma, temporarily displaced persons, psychodiagnostics, psychocorrection.


Abstract. The relevance of the study of mental states is related to their direct impact on the quality of human life, which determines the importance of finding out the impact of long-term military stress on mental states, developing appropriate psychocorrective training methods and determining their effectiveness. Formulation of the problem. The provision of effective medical and psychological assistance, the implementation of psychocorrective and psychoprophylactic measures requires appropriate scientific justification and scientific support, which motivated the conduct of this study. The purpose of the research is to determine the characteristics of negative mental states of the population of Ukraine in the conditions of a full-scale war and to develop effective measures for their psychocorrection. Methods and Materials. The following psychodiagnostic methods were used in the work: Diagnosis of the state of stress" (A. Prokhorov); SAN questionnaire (Well-being, Activity, Mood); "Self-assessment of mental states" by Eysenck; Spielberger-Khanin's "Reactive and Personal Anxiety Rating Scale"; "Physiognomic test" Kunin. The study included 46 temporarily displaced persons with consequences of war trauma (experimental group) and 48 persons of the control group. Results. The hypothesis regarding the negative impact of war on the mental states of the population, causing such negative states as fatigue, exhaustion, frustration, violation of self-regulation and self-control, violation of emotional balance, stuck on negative experiences, instability of behavioral reactions, decrease in activity and mood, was confirmed. A step-by-step complex psychocorrective training method for psychocorrection of the mental states of people with the consequences of war trauma, consisting of a psychotherapeutically directed conversation, breathing relaxation exercises, psychotherapeutic use of stories (life stories, fairy tales, parables) and sand therapy, has been developed, and its effectiveness has been proven. Conclusions and prospects for further research. It has been established that staying in a long-term stressful extreme and crisis situation of war in the zone of active hostilities and subsequent evacuation is a risk factor for the development of negative mental states. It is shown that the developed complex psychocorrective training contributes to the restoration of the body's adaptive resources, overcoming inactive mental states, and increasing the stress resistance of the environment. The necessity of providing psychocorrective support and psychological support to the most vulnerable and poorly protected population groups and the implementation of psychoprophylactic measures for all strata of the population in a situation of long-term stress due to the war is substantiated. Prospective studies are planned to be directed to an in-depth study of the psychological impact of the war situation on the most vulnerable categories of the population (children, persons with disabilities), as well as research on the mental states of combatants.


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