youth, somatotype components, rural residents, urban residents.Abstract
Abstract. Relevance of the research topic. The constant trend towards reforms in the spheres of health care, education, and sanitary-epidemic service leads to changes in the control over the conditions of obtaining education from a medical point of view, and also confirms the urgency of finding solutions to improve the conditions of education in aim to preserve the health of those receiving education. In our opinion, control and observation of changes in physical development makes it possible to solve some urgent needs. Determination of the type of constitution, and especially somatotypological signs, is of actual practical and theoretical importance. The somatotypological characteristic of the human body is a biological portrait of a person that integrates and a set of hereditary somatic characteristics, as well as the influence of socio-economic and environmental factors. The aim of the study. Determining the features somatotype components changes of the rural and urban young main in full time education across the span of a year. Research materials and methods. A somatometric and somatotypological study of 200 practically healthy young men was carried out (100 residents of a village, 100 residents of the city) in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years of study at the University of Life Safety. To determine the somatotype, the mathematical scheme of somatotyping according to J. L. Carter, B. H. Heath was used. The results. On the basis of the obtained data, a decrease in the indicators of the endomorphic component of the somatotype was discovered during education in both groups of young men, whereby the decrease prevailed in the first year of education, while the indicator of the mesomorphic component of the somatotype showed a tendency to increase throughout the entire course of education of residents of rural area and in the second year of education for urban residents, following the falling in the first year. The indicator of the ectomorphic component decreased during the span of education of students residing in rural areas, mainly in the second year, and remained unchanged among urban residents. Conclusion. The change of intergroup indicators across the span of a year for most components of the somatotype in the first year of education of the villagers were greater compared to that of the city residents, and the indicator for change of the endomorphic component across the span of a year had significant differences. In the second year of study, the intergroup change of somatotype components across the span of a year was again greater among rural residents, and the change of the ectomorphic component had significant differences.
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