


organization of medical care, resource and personnel support, ophthalmic care.


Abstract. The purpose of the work was a retrospective analysis of the trends of personnel and resource support for the provision of ophthalmic assistance to the population of Ukraine. Methodology. For the retrospective study, the materials of the official sectoral statistical reporting for forms 17, 20, 21-А in the context of all regions of Ukraine (total ‒ 1197 units) for the period of the study with a depth of 15 years (2003–2017) were used. To collect and process the primary material, use the methods of content analysis, system approach and system analysis and the medical and statistical method of research. Scientific novelty. The retrospective analysis revealed a significant decrease in the resource and personnel support of the ophthalmic service, both in general in the state and in the context of the regions of Ukraine. With a decrease in the absolute number of ophthalmologists in Ukraine (-21.4%), and especially children's (1.5 times), there was a reduction in the number of ophthalmic beds (1.4 times for children and 1.46 times for adults), reduced the average length of stay of the patient on the bed (up to 6.92 days for children and 7.06 days for adults), and decreased rates of hospital morbidity by class of diseases of the eye and its subordinate apparatus, as in the age group of the population over 18 years (from 6.5 to 5.2 per 1000 adults), so among children (from 5.75 to 5.0 per 1000 children). In the context of the reduction of the bed fund, there was an increase in the indicators of bed turnover (from 36.09 in 2003 up to 49.18 in 2017) and a relative indicator of the number of surgical interventions on the visual organs (+ 4.99%). In hospital conditions annually. In the context of the reduction of the bed fund, there was an increase in the indicators of bed turnover (from 36.09 in 2003 up to 49.18 in 2017) and a relative indicator of the number of surgical interventions on the visual organs (+ 4.99%). In the hospital every year in Ukraine, more than 135 thousand operations on the organs of vision are carried out, most of which (83.0%) are microsurgical, the number of operations on the organs of vision, carried out in outpatient and polyclinic conditions (since 22.5 in 2003 up to 38.310 thousand population in 2017). Conclusions. The identified trends in the formation of indicators of resource and personnel support for the provision of ophthalmic care to the population of Ukraine of all ages demonstrate a reduction in ophthalmic beds and a decrease in the number of ophthalmologists, especially children in most regions of Ukraine. The ongoing and annual analysis of changes in resource, including personnel, ensuring the organization of ophthalmic care at the regional level is a necessary tool for studying the basis for making effective management decisions and monitoring their effectiveness in the future.


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