


game, child-client, play therapy.


The author identifies the main methodological and organizational aspects of play therapy in the psychological practice of working with a child client: the focus of play therapy on the child, the symbolism of the «language» of games and toys, merging displaced parts of the child’s psyche through play child, play therapy contributes to the development of abrectional play as a conscious experience of a certain traumatic moment, setting therapeutic limitations of play therapy in the form of immutable rules. Since the game acts on impulses from outside the consciousness of the child – the unconscious, the therapeutic effect of games is taken into account through such opportunities as: facilitation of communication (self-expression, access to the unconscious, direct learning, indirect learning), promoting emotional recovery (catharsis, abreaction, positive emotions, conditioning fears, stress prevention, stress management), improving social relationships (therapeutic relationships, empathy, social competence, consolidation of experience), improving personal qualities (moral development, resilience, accelerated psychological development, creativity, self-regulation, self-esteem). It has been proven that methodological and organizational aspects of using play therapy in working with a child-client contribute to its psychosocial development and mental health by creating a safe, confidential and caring environment that allows the child to play with as few restrictions as possible, but as much as necessary (for physical and emotional security). Conclusions. Certain methodological and organizational aspects of play therapy in the psychological practice of working with a child take into account its unique level of development and allow you to get used to a more comfortable situation for productive self-expression and cognition.


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How to Cite

ТАФІНЦЕВА, С. ., & МОТОЗЮК, Л. (2022). PLAY THERAPY IN PSYCHOLOGICAL PRACTICE OF WORKING WITH CHILDREN: METHODOLOGICAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL ASPECTS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (1 (54), 78-83.