mental properties, socio-psychological properties, interlevel structuresAbstract
Merlin’s theory of integral individuality is often used by researchers as a methodological basis because it allows approaching the study of personality systematically. The phenomenon of professional self-esteem and integral individuality are combined in this study of the journalist’s personality. The article aims to substantiate professional self-esteem as a system-forming element of individuality. To achieve this goal, the properties of the integral individuality three levels’, as well as the components of professional self-esteem were studied. After calculating the integrated indicator of professional self-esteem, the method of partial correlations was used. The last allows calculating correlations between individual psychological properties of different levels, excluding the professional self-esteem influence on them. A comparison of classic correlation results and the results of the partial correlations showed that under the influence of professional self-esteem, the relationships between different integral individuality levels change: old ones fall apart and new ones are formed. For example, ergonicity connects with emotional stability and confidence, but its connection with determination falls apart, which makes this property the basis for self-control development and self-control is an important professional quality for a journalist. In addition, the links between conformity (group-orientation) and humanistic values (charity and love) are built, so conformism becomes a mechanism of socialization in a professional group. Finally, the value of social activity loses its connection with low moral standards (low rule-consciousness) and ceases to be a manifestation of a rebellious spirit but becomes a means of realizing one’s position in life. The transformations of these relationships confirm that professional self-esteem is a system-forming inter-level structure, an individuality-integrating element. The work novelty is connection of the several previously described constructs in one research of the journalist’s integral individuality. The study results have practical application because working with professional self-esteem will impact on journalist’s personality.
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