gender stereotypes, muscularity, femininity, androgyny, self-esteemAbstract
The article considers the psychological features of gender stereotypes that affect the formation of self-esteem of the individual, his self-concept as components of self-awareness. The information analyzed in the article shows that there is a relationship and interaction between gender stereotypes and the formation of self-esteem, personality self-concept and self-awareness. The aim of the article is to highlight the results of the study of the importance of the interaction and relationship of psychological characteristics of gender stereotypes on the formation of selfesteem, self-concept and self-awareness. Research methodology. Theoretical and empirical methods, as well as methods of quantitative data processing were used to solve the tasks. To study the patterns of interaction and the relationship between the formation of self-esteem, self-concept and self-consciousness of the individual with psychological features of gender stereotypes were used: self-assessment method SA Budassi and method “Gender Questionnaire” S. Bem. According to the results of the study, an androgynous type of gender was found in a larger number of respondents, and most of the respondents have adequately inflated self-esteem. It is shown that the psychological features of gender stereotypes, namely muscularity, femininity, androgyny have a direct correlation with self-esteem. It was found that the psychological features of gender stereotypes, namely masculinity, femininity, androgyny are inversely correlated with self-esteem. The study found that the greater the degree of masculinity, the more likely high self-esteem, and vice versa, the greater the degree of femininity, the more likely low self-esteem. The scientific novelty of the study is determined by the scientific and practical need for a deeper understanding of how psychological features of gender stereotypes affect the formation of self-esteem, self-concept of personality, namely self-ideal and self-real, which are important in shaping self-consciousness; the need for scientific understanding of the laws of interaction and the relationship between psychological characteristics (androgyny, masculinity, femininity) of gender stereotypes and the formation of self-esteem, its self-concept and self-awareness. Conclusions. The laws of interaction and the relationship between the formation of self-esteem, self-concept of personality and self-awareness of the individual with the psychological characteristics of gender stereotypes are substantiated. Gender stereotypes have a significant impact on the ontogenesis of the development of the individual, his self-consciousness, which includes the self-esteem of the individual and his self-concept. It has been shown that the androgenic type of gender predominates among young people aged 19–23. Androgynous behavior contributes to its higher level of adaptation in relationships with loved ones and self-esteem, compared to those whose behavior is strictly regulated by gender-role stereotype.
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