adolescence, addictive behavior, addictiveness, virtual reality, computer addiction, psychological prevention, psychological correctionAbstract
The paper attempts to reveal the essence of the phenomenon of “computer addictiveness”, as well as to characterize the influence of individual psychological characteristics of adolescents on the formation of propensity to dependent behavior. It is shown that today in psychological science many concepts have been formulated that explain the phenomenon of addictiveness and the process of its formation from different methodological positions. The purpose of the article is to analyze psychological approaches to understanding the mechanisms and factors of computer addiction in adolescence. It is argued that the existing scientific ideas are insufficient for a clear understanding of psychological factors and mechanisms of addictive behavior, which limits the ability to take into account all these factors in the development of targeted psycho-correctional and psychoprophylactic programs. The position of modern scientists on the need for timely prevention of computer addiction in adolescence is supported. The importance of the statement that knowledge of the psychosocial scope of adolescents is necessary for the organization of a purposeful search for adequate ways of psychological influence on the child’s personality during the emergence of age-related problems is emphasized. Conclusions. Based on the study of psychological approaches to understanding the mechanisms of computer addictiveness, the author substantiates the effectiveness of the system approach as a methodological foundation for designing and implementing correctional and preventive programs. The perspective of the research is to find out the functional mechanisms of addictive behavior of adolescents, which will allow to implement effective psychological methods of corrective and preventive treatment.
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