emotional intelligence, moral education, moral values in the family, self-awareness, ability to feel othersAbstract
Attention to the development of emotional intelligence today is associated with a growing interest in the formation of the human personality in the context of informatization of society. Understanding the emotional state of the people around you, the ability to control your feelings in various situations is one of the most important issues in communication. Therefore, from a very early age, it is necessary to pay special attention to the development of feelings in children so that in the future they can manage their emotions, make the right decisions in various situations and be able to manage their lives. Understanding the feelings of the child in the family, supporting their emotional state is one of the most important factors in the socialization of the individual. Certain social and economic problems create difficulties in the personal and emotional development of children. There are children who have high anxiety and low self-esteem. To overcome such a problem, it is necessary to establish close communication and cooperation with them, so it would be much more beneficial to start mainly from a younger age. The family is the social environment that provides first aid in shaping the child’s feelings. Developing the child’s mental processes from an early age, we lay the foundation for his mental development. The family should be able to convince the child of their own skills and abilities. The family should have a great influence on the formation of the emotional intelligence of the child, and then this work should be continued by educational institutions. The emotional formation of a child’s personality is also to a large extent connected with the spiritual and moral social environment in which he grows up. These are the religious views of the parents, ethnic identity and historically established living conditions. In particular, the community in which the family lives, the territory, the conditions of production activities and the way of life adopted here matters.
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