emotions, adaptation, first-year students, anxiety, stressAbstract
The article indicates that the first year of study of students is very important for the next successful overcoming study loading, contact friendship with classmates and find understanding with teachers. If a student goes through his adaptation period quickly his emotional sphere gets stable and all activity directs to assimilation study material. Students in the first-year study need to adapt to the new social conditions and study process. This gets especially difficult in conditions of isolation. Successful adaptation of students is an important component of the education process. Currently, in the context of the massive spread of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19, distance learning has become the main form of education at universities. Adaptation is a multi-component process, which is on different levels: social, physiological, and psychological. Successful adaptation of students is depended on their general emotional background. Our hypothesis was that the students in the first year had a high level of anxiety, predisposition to stress during periods of isolation and online education. The objective of this study was to determine if the level of anxiety, frustration, and loneliness students during periods of isolation and online education. Participants of our research were the psychology students in the first year during the period of isolation and online education. In the resulting study, there was revealed that most of the students have high-level adapted opportunities. They easily transfer from offline study to online study. Students in the first-year study are stress-resistant during periods of isolation and online education. Although a third of students have a high level of reactive and personal anxiety. 50% of first-year students are prone to experiencing stress during distance learning. The established high indicators indicate the instability of the emotional sphere of first-year students during distance learning and the predominance of negative emotions in them.
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