



past experience, police officers, professional future, professional self-determination, time perspective


The results of theoretical and empirical study of the peculiarities of the time perspective of police officers in the context of their professional self-realization are presented. The analysis of the psychological literature showed that the planning of one’s own professional future has a positive effect on the quality of work performed by police officers, their satisfaction with the profession and realization in it. The aim of the article is to study the features of the time perspective of the future in police officers with different levels of professional self-realization. Scientific novelty of the study: deepened existing knowledge about the time perspective of police officers in the context of their professional self-realization and improved empirical approaches to the psychological diagnosis of the time perspective of the professional future of police officers. The sample included 106 police officers. According to the questionnaire “Type and level of professional self-realization” by Ye. Gavrylova using cluster analysis on the principle of k-means, the subjects were divided into three groups. The first group included 39 police officers with a low level of professional self-realization, the second group included 23 respondents who have an average level of professional self-realization, the third group consisted of 44 police officers who had high levels of professional self-realization. The group with an average level of professional self-realization was excluded from further research. The study used the “Questionnaire of Time Perspective” by F. Zimbardo. Conclusions. It has been empirically established that police officers with a low level of professional self-realization show signs of traumatic previous professional experience, which negatively affects their present, creates confidence in uncontrollability and inability to constructively resolve a problem or crisis situation. problems, prevent the occurrence of certain events, find the optimal solution in extreme circumstances. Policemen with a high level of professional self-realization are characterized by a positive assessment of previous experience, they feel confident in themselves and in their ability to solve professional problems, which increases their professional ability and competence.


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How to Cite

ПОНОМАРЕНКО, Я. (2022). FEATURES OF THE TIME PERSPECTIVE OF POLICE OFFICER’S WITH DIFFERENT LEVELS OF PROFESSIONAL SELF-REALIZATION. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (3 (52), 122-126. https://doi.org/10.32689/maup.psych.2021.3.17