



semantic differential, semantic profile, anxiety, student, exam


In the article the current views of researchers on the phenomenon of examination stress are analyzed. The authors made a description of the procedure of semantic differential for quantitative and qualitative indexing of values in the study of perception of the concepts of “exam”, “anxiety”, “university education”. The aim of the article is the coverage of the results of the empirical study of the peculiarities of the perception of the exam situation by students with different levels of anxiety. Scientific novelty. The authors show the specifics of the semantic differential of the concept “exam” among students with different level of anxiety and clarify the possibility of studying personal meaning (emotional attitude) of students to the exam using the semantic differential. Conclusions. Authors revealed that in the semantic space of consciousness of students with different levels of anxiety the concepts of “exam”, “anxiety” and “university education” are presented at different semantic distances. The greatest is the semantic distance between the concepts of “university education” and “anxiety” among students with low and medium level of anxiety. Also “exam” and “anxiety” are at a considerable semantic distance among students with medium and high levels of anxiety, while the semantic space of consciousness of students with low levels of anxiety can be characterized by the proximity of these concepts. The semantic profiles of these concepts also differ among students depending on the level of anxiety. In particular, the profiles of the semantic differential of each of the concepts among students with low and medium levels of anxiety indicate about the similarity of emotional reactions to the stimulus “exam” and “university education”, and the semantic differential profiles of the concept of “university education” almost coincide. These may indicate may indicate about the similarity of the connotative meanings of this concept, while students with a high level of anxiety have a less intense emotional response.


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How to Cite

САВИЦЬКА, О., & ЯБЛОНСЬКА, Т. (2022). FEATURES OF THE PERCEPTION OF THE EXAM SITUATION BY STUDENTS WITH DIFFERENT LEVELS OF ANXIETY. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (3 (52), 133-139. https://doi.org/10.32689/maup.psych.2021.3.19