


children, relieved of the father’s culture, social development, change the father’s state, adaptation to the family’s family


The article considers the current problem of the social situation of development in foster care, theoretical analysis of the literature on the role of family environment in shaping the child’s personality, its determinism, value and indispensability in education, adaptation and socialization of orphans and children deprived of parental care. It is noted that children deprived of parental care differ from children raised in the family in some implicit psychological characteristics. The consequences of these deviations are manifested by the difficulty of adapting to the living conditions of the surrogate family. The article provides information that the social situation of development in foster families has psychological features: the lack of biological connection between foster mother and child; the impact of negative life experiences of the child on the process of socialization in the foster family; negative attitudes and affective manifestations of surrogate parents. It is concluded that in the conditions of creating a surrogate family the most important stage is adaptation – acquaintance with new social roles, solving difficult psychological situations. The article defines the tasks of foster parents to create a favorable situation for development: psychological, social, pedagogical support of children; implementation of the rehabilitation program of the main spheres of the child’s life on the basis of the obtained diagnostic results; individual work with the child to maximize its normal development. Also, a number of factors influencing the social situation of the child’s development in a foster family have been identified. Scientific novelty is determined by highlighting the main criteria of a favorable social situation in the form of surrogacy: for the child – it predominance of positive emotions, positive attitude to the foster family, trust in its members, adequate perception of requests and requirements; for the family – adequate perception of the child’s behavior; understanding the problems of the foster child and their own problems. Criteria for assessing the psychological climate in the foster family are: friendly attitude of family members to each other; feelings of security and emotional satisfaction; responsibility of family members for each other; desire to spend free time in the home circle, to do homework together.


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How to Cite

СИНЯКОВА, В. (2022). PSYCHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF THE SOCIAL SITUATION OF DEVELOPMENT IN THE CONDITIONS OF SUBSTITUTIONAL PARENTING. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (3 (52), 140-145.